Tag: muscle
What is Isokinetic?
Isokinetic (n) is a term used to describe a type of movement or exercise. Isokinetic or Isokinetics Definition: The word isokinetic is most commonly used in sports science and medicine. In these settings isokinetic defines a type of exercise or movement. Translated literally isokinetic (i·so·ki·net·ic pronounced ī’sō-kə-nĕt’ĭk) means movement at a constant speed. The key…
What is Isometric?
The term isometric (n) comes from the Greek “ios” which means the same, and “metric” which means distance. i·so·met·ric (s-mtrk) Combined together they make a static contraction where there is no perceivable motion. There are two types of isometric resistance:- Isometric is variable effort against an immovable force Note: Resistance band exercises are not Isometric technically they are Isotonic The…
What is Isotonic?
Isotonic (n) literally means equal tension. In exercise science an isotonic contraction is a contraction in which the tension remains constant as the muscle shortens or lengthens. i·so·ton·ic (adj.) (s-tnk) Isotonic is fixed resistance variable speed movement. For example weights in a gym. Although ‘isotonic’ is the term used most frequently to describe fixed resistance variable speed exercise, ‘isoinertial’…
Concnetric (n) con·cen·tric is a term used to describe a type of movement or exercise. Concentric Definition: The word concentric is most commonly used in sports science and medicine. In these settings concentric defines a type of exercise or movement. Translated literally concentric means towards the centre. This type of contraction occurs when the tension generated within amuscle is sufficient to overcome…
Eccentric (n) ec·cen·tric is a term used to describe a type of movement or exercise. Eccentric Definition: The word concentric is most commonly used in sports science and medicine. In these settings eccentric defines a type of exercise or movement. Translated literally eccentric means away from the centre. Whenever a muscle lengthens it generates a contractile force meaning all movements in the body occur…