Tag: exercise

  • What is Isokinetic?

    Isokinetic (n)  is a term used to describe a type of movement or exercise. Isokinetic or Isokinetics Definition: The word isokinetic is most commonly used in sports science and medicine. In these settings isokinetic defines a type of exercise or movement. Translated literally isokinetic (i·so·ki·net·ic pronounced ī’sō-kə-nĕt’ĭk) means movement at a constant speed.  The key…

  • What is Isometric?

    The term isometric (n) comes from the Greek “ios” which means the same, and “metric” which means distance. i·so·met·ric (s-mtrk) Combined together they make a static contraction where there is no perceivable motion. There are two types of isometric resistance:- Isometric is variable effort against an immovable force Note: Resistance band exercises are not Isometric technically they are Isotonic The…

  • What is Isotonic?

    Isotonic (n) literally means equal tension. In exercise science an isotonic contraction is a contraction in which the tension remains constant as the muscle shortens or lengthens. i·so·ton·ic (adj.) (s-tnk) Isotonic is fixed resistance variable speed movement. For example weights in a gym. Although ‘isotonic’ is the term used most frequently to describe fixed resistance variable speed exercise, ‘isoinertial’…